Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Scavenger Hunt, Question 2

The correct answer for the first SH question is: The Man, starring James Earl Jones (1972).

The two-point winner for this question is CollegeStudent2008. (J. Slater was the FIRST to answer, but she's my close friend so she knows she can't win. But thanks for playing, J!)

Congratulations College Student! You're off to a good start. Now for the next question:

Question 2: What is the full name and occupation of the next First Sister?

Remember: Search the web, come to the blog, click on an ad, then submit your answer as a comment. First with the correct answer gets the two points.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome J. & CONGRATULATIONS CollegeStudent2008! My co-worker noted that I should email my answers to you instead of posting (someone might cheat & steal my answers...lol). Good Luck everyone & I look forward to meeting you in DC.

CollegeStudent2008 said...

Her full name is Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama. Her occupation is vice president of community and external affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center.

dnyamini said...

The full name of the "first sister" is Maya Kassandra Soetoro-Ng. She is a high school history teacher in Hawaii.